Friday, July 20, 2012

Dear Mini-Muffin - Week 17

Our Dear Mini-Muffin,

You are Seventeen Weeks and 3 days old today!  
You have grown almost to the size of a small Sweet Potato or a Turnip, according to the blogs your Mummy has been reading.  

You Weigh around 100 grams, and are around six inches long from head to bottom!
We havent felt you move yet for definite, but there have been a few flutters in your Mummys tummy.  
We saw you jumping up and down like a jumping bean on the sonogram a few weeks ago!  
Mummy is getting bigger and bigger each day
 Daddy thinks you might be a girl, while Mummy thinks you might be a boy! 
Our favourite names for you are Max, Sebastian, Tristan, Anastasia, Isla and Eve
We had a little scare the other day when Mummy got a sore tummy, but she rested a lot and now it seems everything is dandy! 
 Mummy sings to you and hopes you can hear her. She sings very loudly, so that is quite probable. 
Daddy is at the snow falling off his snowboard a lot and having lots of fun, but rings up to check on you and Mummy each day. 

This is what he might look like snowboarding:

Or it might be this... We will have to see how many bruises he has when he comes home...

We love you very, very much already and can’t wait to see how you’ve grown in our next Sonogram!

Lots of love, 

Mummy and Daddy

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