Baby Bechaz #2 or The Singing, Pregnant Nun
Before I begin, I apologise for not continuing my blog since last year. My bad. Life got in the way. Please love me, internet land. In my absence, around 6000 people have viewed my blog -uh. Wow! Yay! Hope you all liked it and sorry if it was simply the ramblings of a narcissistic pregnant lady! Hope you have enjoyed the sarcasm and blatant brain-ramble.
Guess what! Hubster and I recently found out we were having baby #2.
Apart from the initial (good) shock (WTF were we even trying for more babies
right now? Yay us and our fertile loins!) and the blatant fear (oh my, how
shall I deal with TWO little screaming, sticky, Peppa-Pig loving, Playdoh-eating, whirlwinds? Will I ever sleep
again?) we were overjoyed!
#1 (Isla) will be around 2years 4 months when little PeeWee
is born, and though we aren’t sure how she’ll take it (loves being centre of
attention like the majority of toddlers) she will hopefully love the little
munchkin and be able to understand a bit of what is going on! So far she has
decided the baby is a boy… no wait… a girl… no wait… it’s a frog. Called PeeWee.
Peppa Peewee. (Pretty sure she was saying ‘Poo-Wee’ but I choose to take it how
it sounded phonetically). And the Peppa part comes from a particular TV show
that her grandparents have got her hooked on.
So PeeWee (Gender Neutral) it is.
And enough about my fabulous first child and on to our second Wonder-kid.
Little Fetus PeeWee is around 12 weeks old, and we are just
finishing Trimester 1 this week.
Despite only just growing arms and feet, our second child
has already demonstrated their complete disregard for the way things are done
around here, and the standard set by the daughter-who-must-be-obeyed.
Firstly; Morning Sickness. Why do they call it morning
sickness when it sticks around 24/7. The wondrous feeling of wanting to hurl your
guts up but not actually hurling… (Lucky me doesn’t spew easily). Sometimes I
wished I would just throw up to get it out of my system, but of course that’s
not how morning sickness works. According to my all-knowing friends (many of
whom have had several children) the act of throwing up does not disperse the
nausea. So instead, I nibble on a cracker or dry toast, and hope it subsides.
Some days are better, and this week (around 2 days ago!) it subsided almost
completely, so I did what any sane mother-to-be would do, and visited Sizzler.
Got a light bout of food poisoning, learned my lesson, and retreated to my salt
and vinegar rice crackers.
Anyway, this morning sickness was far beyond what I had
experienced with Isla. Some days it was to the point of not being able to get
off the couch and allowing my toddler to watch an hour and a half of morning
cartoons (something I promised myself I would never do…). Due to this, many
people think we’re having a boy this time around.
Secondly: Aversions & Cravings. Oh my lawdy. Do not
bring meat (especially red!) near me (just like last time!!). Anyone who knows me, knows I usually take
my steak moo-ing, bloody, and sometimes cold in the middle (perhaps a
vampire/caveman in another life?), but whilst pregnant, heaven forbid anyone
should wave a charcoaled sausage within two metres of me! Goodbye meat!
Farewell Dairy, Sorbet, Coffee and all my favourite foods!
Yep, they make me bloat like a pufferfish.
In other news, Salt and Vinegar (which normally I despise
and find very… stinky!) suddenly makes me feel so much better. Also chickpeas.
And refried beans. And BABY CORN! OH holy crap how did I not know about the joys of tinned
baby-corn before this? Drain them and eat them by the tin! To a lesser extent,
water-chestnuts. Fortunately I have found a great recipe for a chickpea,
babycorn and water-chestnut stir fry which I plan on trying soon.
Thirdly: I got fat earlier. Granted, was a few KGs heavier
after Isla (yeah, probably not going to get into all the pre-maternity clothes
I saved from 2012 after all…) but my lower tummy has popped out in the last
week. Probably bloating (as I said, I did visit Sizzler and I now eat a lot of
babycorn/chickpeas), but I treated myself to a new pair of maternity jeans all
the same. The ones with the 30cm long beige elastic waist that reaches to my
bra. Yeah, Justin can’t keep his hands off me. Fortunately, I can tuck that
part in for a few more weeks and pretend to be a normal, hip and happening 28 year old.
A couple of things that are different to last time:
I have a toddler so don’t have as much time to
feel pampered and excited and take tummy pictures. Though I did snap a pretty
fabulous one with a lime (baby’s size
this week) while she was hoe-ing in to some avocado.
I am working part time at the high school whilst
juggling the toddler and a home singing studio 3 afternoons a week. The
tiredness just doesn’t cut it.
I am playing Maria in The Sound of Music right
as I hit approx 19/20 weeks pregnant. Yeah, I didn’t plan on getting pregnant
when I auditioned. Fortunately I am making all my costumes and have given
myself extra girth in the stomach region. And boob region. We all know how that
goes. So, Biloela, be prepared to view the Pregnant, Singing Nun in early
December! (Theatre-people, you get this, right? The show must go on!)
I pretty much know what I want, what I don’t
want, and what I don’t want to happen that has happened in my last
birth/pregnancy! So as fabulous as Doctors & Midwives are, unless there’s
something wrong, don’t bother me or tell me to do something different (ie:
Labour in bed or that I should get induced, or that I am breastfeeding wrong!) because it ain’t gonna happen and
you are just going to anger the beast. In saying that I really respect you and
think you’re all fabulous… but please just don’t rush me this time!
I already have a lot of baby clothes/toys/etc as
hand me downs so I don’t have to shop as much. (Huge down point.) On the up
side, Isla is moving to a new room so I can re-decorate the nursery and her new
room! Woo!!
I am a lot more blasé about the little things,
and a lot less worried. Which makes for a happier Bechaz household. Or maybe I
just don’t have the alone time to worry as much ;)
All in all! First twelve weeks have gone quite well! Here’s
to hoping the next 28 go well and my toddler stops kicking me in the stomach
all the time (We think she is trying to remain an only child, as the other day
I said ‘Say hi to the baby!’ and pointed at my tummy, and she said ‘Kick it!
Kick it!’ and proceeded to do just that. Apologies to second child in advance.)
Welcome to the family PeeWee!
Love xxx
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